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Fixing Laminate Flooring that is Lifting

Laminate flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners due to its affordability, durability, and ease of installation. However, like any flooring material, laminate can experience issues over time, and one common problem is lifting. Laminate flooring may lift for various Fixing Laminate Flooringreasons, including moisture, improper installation, or wear and tear. Fortunately, fixing laminate flooring that is lifting is a manageable DIY task that can save you time and money in the long run. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to identify the causes of lifting and provide effective solutions to bring your laminate flooring back to its pristine condition.

Identifying the Cause of Lifting

Before you start fixing your lifting laminate flooring, it’s crucial to pinpoint the root cause of the issue. Different causes require different solutions, and addressing the underlying problem is key to a successful repair.

  1. Moisture Damage: One of the most common reasons for laminate flooring to lift is moisture infiltration. This can happen due to spills, leaks, or high humidity levels in the room. Laminate is sensitive to moisture, and when it gets wet, it can warp and lift.
  2. Improper Installation: If the laminate flooring was not installed correctly, it may start to lift over time. Common installation mistakes include inadequate acclimatization, using the wrong adhesive, or failing to leave expansion gaps around the edges.
  3. Subfloor Issues: The condition of the subfloor beneath your laminate can also impact its stability. Uneven or damaged subfloors can cause pressure points and lead to lifting in certain areas.
  4. Wear and Tear: Over time, the wear layer on laminate flooring can degrade, making it more susceptible to damage and lifting. Heavy traffic areas are particularly vulnerable.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Before you begin the repair process, gather the necessary tools and materials. Having everything ready will make the job more efficient and ensure a smoother repair process. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:


  • Circular saw or jigsaw
  • Pry bar or crowbar
  • Hammer
  • Utility knife
  • Tape measure
  • Carpenter’s square
  • Chalk line
  • Screwdriver
  • Clamps
  • Duct tape


  • Replacement laminate planks
  • Underlayment (if necessary)
  • Adhesive (if necessary)
  • Spacers
  • Wood glue
  • Wood filler
  • Sandpaper
  • Finishing nails
  • Finishing nails punch
  • Matching laminate flooring transition pieces (e.g., T-molding, threshold, or reducer)

Fixing Laminate Flooring

Now that you’ve identified the cause of the lifting and gathered your tools and materials, it’s time to get to work. Follow these steps to fix your lifting laminate flooring:

Step 1: Remove Obstacles

Clear the area around the damaged section of the laminate flooring. Remove furniture, rugs, or any other obstacles that may hinder your repair work.

Step 2: Cut and Remove the Damaged Area

Using a circular saw or jigsaw, carefully cut out the damaged section of laminate flooring. Be sure to make straight, clean cuts along the edges to ensure a neat repair. Be cautious not to damage the surrounding planks.

Step 3: Inspect the Subfloor

Once you’ve removed the damaged section, inspect the subfloor underneath for any issues. If you discover unevenness or damage, address these problems before proceeding with the repair.

Step 4: Prepare the Replacement Plank

Measure the dimensions of the hole you’ve created in the flooring and cut a replacement plank to the appropriate size. Make sure the replacement plank matches the design and color of your existing laminate flooring.

Step 5: Install the Replacement Plank

If the damaged section was caused by improper installation or moisture damage, consider using adhesive to secure the replacement plank in place. Apply wood glue to the edges of the replacement plank and carefully fit it into the hole. Use clamps to hold the plank in place while the glue dries, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 6: Repairing Moisture-Related Lifting

If moisture damage is the culprit, you should address the moisture issue before replacing the plank. Ensure the subfloor is completely dry and install a moisture barrier or underlayment to prevent future problems. Once this is done, proceed with installing the replacement plank as described in Step 5.

Step 7: Secure the Replacement Plank

If you didn’t use adhesive in Step 5, you can secure the replacement plank by using finishing nails. Pre-drill holes in the corners of the plank and drive finishing nails through these holes and into the subfloor. Use a finishing nail punch to set the nails below the surface of the plank.

Step 8: Fill Gaps and Sand

If there are any gaps between the replacement plank and the surrounding flooring, use wood filler to fill them. Once the filler is dry, sand the entire area to ensure a smooth and even surface.

Step 9: Reattach Transition Pieces

If your laminate flooring has transition pieces, such as T-molding, thresholds, or reducers, reattach them to cover the edges of the replacement plank and create a seamless transition between rooms.

Step 10: Replace Baseboards and Trim

If you removed baseboards or trim during the repair process, reinstall them to cover the expansion gaps around the edges of the laminate flooring. Be sure to leave a small gap between the baseboards and the flooring to allow for expansion.

Step 11: Clean and Restore

Finally, clean the repaired area thoroughly and restore any furniture or rugs you removed. Admire your handiwork, knowing that your laminate flooring is now secure and free from unsightly lifting.

Preventing Future Lifting Issues

Now that you’ve successfully fixed your lifting laminate flooring, it’s important to take steps to prevent future problems. Here are some tips to help maintain the integrity of your laminate flooring:

  1. Address Moisture Promptly: Clean up spills immediately, use rugs or mats in areas prone to moisture, and maintain proper humidity levels in your home.
  2. Install Flooring Correctly: If you’re installing new laminate flooring, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and make sure the subfloor is level and dry.
  3. Use Area Rugs and Furniture Pads: Place area rugs in high-traffic areas to reduce wear and tear. Use furniture pads under heavy furniture to prevent indentations.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Keep your laminate flooring clean by sweeping or vacuuming regularly. Avoid using excessive water when cleaning, as too much moisture can damage the floor.
  5. Periodic Inspections: Check your laminate flooring periodically for signs of wear, damage, or lifting. Catching issues early can prevent more significant problems.


Fixing laminate flooring that is lifting can be a straightforward DIY project when you have the right tools, materials, and knowledge. By identifying the cause of the lifting and following the step-by-step repair process outlined in this article, you can restore your laminate flooring to its former beauty and ensure its longevity. Remember to take preventive measures to avoid future issues, such as moisture damage or improper installation, and enjoy your laminate flooring for years to come.

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